Sarah is rehearsing ISLA, written by Tim Price and directed by Davey Kelleher, for Verdant Productions in association with Four Rivers Productions as part of the Dublin Theatre Festival 2023.
Earlier this year, she filmed the British television comedy BRASSIC, directed by Richard Stoddard & Ruth Carney, for Calamity Film and SKY.
She appeared as Maggie Reilly in TARRY FLYNN, directed by Aaron Monaghan for Livin’ Dred and played Barbara in HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR ALICE by Bernard Farrell, directed by Jim Nolan for Four Rivers Productions.
Recent credits include Maureen Dolan in THE BEAUTY QUEEN OF LEENANE by Martin McDonagh for Four Rivers Productions, Brian Friel’s TRANSLATIONS directed by Ian Rickson at the National Theatre, London, ABBEY CALLING, THE UNMANAGEABLE SISTERS and JIMMY’S HALL directed by Graham McLaren for the Abbey Theatre.
Recent film and television credits include the role of Becky Smalley in DOCTORS, directed by Paul Gibson for the BBC; Susan in the Independent film STALLING, directed by Bryan Moriarty; THE SYNDICATE, written and directed by Kay Mellor for BBC One; and the horror feature THE LITTLE PEOPLE directed by Jon Wright for Rococo Films.
Voice-over credits: FOX & HARE (Submarine), THE CHARLIE SHOW (TV Pinguim), STRANGENESS IN SPACE (Clare Eden Productions) and several video games, including SPELLFORCE III, for Pitstop Productions.